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ACCA官网 2020-02-14 09:23:02

Updated 13 February 2020

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, all ACCA exams in Mainland China, Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR for the March 2020 exam session have been cancelled.

The following frequently asked questions (FAQs) have been created to address students’ most common queries.

1. Why have all ACCA exams in Mainland China, Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR for the March session been cancelled?

The March 2020 exams have been cancelled for in these areas as a direct result of the coronavirus outbreak and ongoing impact. This decision has been made based on extensive discussions with our exam delivery partners and guidance by the Chinese government.

2. Why has this decision been taken now?

The coronavirus outbreak has reached a stage whereby it is no longer possible to deliver March exams safely in Mainland China, Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR.

We always strive to hold exam sittings wherever possible but based on extensive discussions with our exam delivery partners and governmental guidance, the March session in these areas has been cancelled. Making the decision now provides students with a clear message and allows them to alter their plans and studies accordingly.

3. Is it possible this decision may be reversed prior to exam week if the situation improves?

No. Once the decision has been made to cancel an exam session, this decision will not be overturned. Even if the coronavirus situation significantly and unexpectedly improves, the cancellation remains a final decision.

4. If universities and institutes holding exams are open by the first day of exams (2 March), can the exam still go ahead?

No, the decision to cancel all March 2020 session-based exams in China is final.

5. Can the March session be rescheduled to take place in April or May if the virus is contained?

No. Due to the nature and complexity of operating the exams, ACCA is not able to reschedule any session-based exams. It is therefore not possible to reschedule March exams as a result of the current situation caused by the virus.

The next exam session will be June 2020.

6. Do students need to take any action to withdraw their March exam booking(s)?

No. ACCA will withdraw and refund all March 2020 exam bookings for affected students.

7. How will the cancelled exam session be recorded on students’ myACCA accounts?

Student records will clearly state that the March 2020 exam session was cancelled.

8. Will students receive a full refund for their March exam(s)?

Yes. All March 2020 exam fees paid will be refunded in full whereby a session has been cancelled due to the coronavirus.

9. How and when will this refund be issued?

All refunds will be returned to student accounts unless the exam fee was paid for by an employer, in which case it would be returned to the employer directly.

All refunds will be processed within the next 7-10 working days.

10. When will students know the refund has been issued?

An auto-generated acknowledgement will be sent to students to notify them when March 2020 exam bookings have been officially withdrawn and refunds issued.

11. Can the exam fee refund be returned to student bank accounts instead of myACCA?

All refunds will be issued to student myACCA accounts (where the student has paid for the exam).

Once this has been issued, if any student would prefer for the refund to be made to a bank account then please contact the Connect team on students@accaglobal.com with details of your request.

12. If there are overdue fees on student accounts not directly related to exams, will this affect the exam fee refund?

All exam fee refunds will be returned to student accounts whereby the student has made the initial payment. This refund will be automatically allocated against any overdue invoices currently active on student accounts

In order to enter for future exams, all students should ensure overdue fees are paid in full as an exam entry cannot be made otherwise.

13. If a withdrawal was sent to the exams mailbox as requested, but not processed in time to allow students to enter at the early entry rate for June 2020 (deadline 10 February), can students still be entered at the early rate?

Only students who entered for the March 2020 exam session during the early entry period will be able to enter at the early entry rate for the June 2020 session if they have missed the 10 February deadline.

Students in this category who are not yet entered for June and would like to be, should enter via the Exam Planner during the standard period as normal. Following this, ACCA would credit their account with the difference between the early and standard period.

14. The decision to cancel March exams was made after the June 2020 early entry deadline had passed…can students be given a further opportunity to enter at the June early prices?

See above.

15. Will ACCA automatically re-enter students for the same exam in June?

No. Students should enter for a future exam session via the Exam Planner prior to the applicable deadline for the session of their choice.

16. Will there be an increase in exam centre capacity for the June session given the expected rise in entries following the March cancellation?

We are currently working with our partners to assess the impact of the March cancellation on the June session in order that we can secure the additional capacity required.

17. Will the June 2020 standard entry deadline be extended due to the impact of the cancelled March session and on-demand CBE exams?

No. The June standard entry deadline will remain Monday 27 April, with the late entry deadline on 4 May 2020.

18. If a student’s June exam entry for a Strategic Professional exam was dependent on a March entry for an Applied Skills exam, how will the June entry be affected now the March exam has not been sat?

Any students in this scenario will be required to re-enter for the same exam in June to abide by the current progression rules.

19. What if there is a change in syllabus for my exam between the March and June session?

Students should ensure they remain aware of the syllabus related to the exam and exam session they are entered for, and study accordingly.

More information on the syllabus of each individual exam can be found via the following link:


As for TX-UK, students should ensure they study in respect to the updated exam content which will be based on the Finance Act 2019 (March 2020 session is based on the Finance Act 2018). Specifically, students should refer to the syllabus and study guide for June 2020 to March 2021 as well as the Finance Act 2019 article.

Please refer to the following links for the “syllabus & study guide” , “examinable documents” and technical article – Finance Act 2019” for the United Kingdom (UK):




ACCA will provide further support and guidance to both tutors and students to prepare TX-UK for June 2020 as soon as possible.

20. Does this cancellation include on-demand CBE exams as well?

All on-demand CBEs in February have also been suspended across China for three of our exam providers: Golden Finance, ZBG and British Council. Golden Finance will also not be offering on-demand exams in March or April. Some on-demand CBE centres in Wuhan have also temporarily suspended on-demand exams due to the outbreak.

Macau on-demand exams have been cancelled for February, whilst some centres in Hong Kong have also cancelled exams for the remainder of February.

ACCA is monitoring the virus situation very closely in conjunction with our partners and local agencies. Students should contact on-demand centres directly for availability regarding on-demand exams but remain aware the centre may be temporarily closed due to the virus.

21. How do students arrange on-demand CBE exam fee refunds?

All students due to sit an on-demand CBE exam which has now been cancelled due to the coronavirus should contact the on-demand centre directly too arrange a refund.

22. Is the June exam session going ahead?

Yes. ACCA will continue to be guided by the advice from the local government and our exam delivery partners for exams beyond March, but at this stage it is expected the June session will go ahead as planned.

23. Who should students contact for further information?

If you have any further enquiries or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact ACCA Connect on:

ACCA Connect in UK +44 141 582 2000

ACCA Connect in China (currently closed) +40 0833 3338

ACCA Hong Kong +852 2524 4988

ACCA Macau +853 8294 6708

Alternatively, students may prefer to submit a query via the Contact us form of the ACCA website.





1. 为何中国地区(包括中国内地,香港,澳门)3月的ACCA 考试会被全部取消?


2. 为何现在才做出此决定?


我们一直努力在可进行的地方举行考试,但在与我们的考试合作伙伴进行广泛讨论并依据中国政府的建议,ACCA 3月份在中国地区(中国内地,香港和澳门)举行的考试将被取消。做出此决定旨在给学员一个明确的信息,便于您对于自己的计划和学习作出相应的调整。

3. 如果情况有所改善,是否有可能在考试那周之前更改这个决定?


4. 如果举行考试的大学和机构在考试的第一天(3月2日)开放,考试还会继续进行吗?

不会,取消ACCA 2020年3月中国地区(中国内地,香港和澳门)所有考试是最终决定。

5. 如果疫情得到控制,3月份的考试会否重新安排在4月或5月举行?



6. 学员是否需要自行申请取消3月的考试?


7. 如何记录被取消的考试在学员中的考试记录?

您的 2020 年 3 月份考试报名将被取消,我们的记录将说明您的考试已被取消。

8. 学员的考试费用会全额退还吗?


9. 退款将于何时以何种方式退还?


10. 退款所需时长约7~10个工作日。学员何时能知道已经安排退款?


11. 是否可以将考试费用退还到学员的银行账户而不是myACCA?



12. 如果学员myACCA账户上有与考试无关的逾期未缴费用,是否会影响考试费用的退还?



13. 如果取消考试申请已按要求发送到Exam Team邮箱,但没有及时处理,导致学员不能享受2020年6月考试的早报考价格(截止日期2月10日),学员是否还能以6月早报考价格报名考试?


对于还没报名6月考试但希望参加6月考试的学员,应该按照正常程序在标准报考阶段时间内通过Exam Planner进行报名。在此之后,ACCA会将早期报考和标准报考之间的差额退还到学员的myACCA中。

14. 取消3月考试的决定是在2020年6月早报考截止期过后才做出的……学员能否还有机会享受6月早报考价格来报名?


对于还没报名6月考试但希望参加6月考试的学员,应该按照正常程序在标准报考阶段时间内通过Exam Planner进行报名。在此之后,ACCA会将早期报考和标准报考之间的差额退还到学员的myACCA中。

15. 学员是否被自动报名参加6月的考试?

不会,学员可以自行选择在下一考季的报考截止日期之前通过Exam Planner进行报名。

16. 鉴于3月份考试取消后预计报名6月考试的人数会增加,那么6月份考试的考位名额是否会相应增加?


17. 由于取消了3月份分季考试和随时机考中心考试,2020年6月的标准报名截止日期会被延长吗?


18. 如果一个学员要等3月应用技能考试完成后才能报考6月份的战略专业科目考试,那么由于现在还没参加3月份考试,6月份的考试将会受到什么影响?


19. 如果我的考试大纲在3月和6月之间有变化怎么办?




关于英国税法,学员应确保学习 Finance Art 2019 (2020年3月考季适用的是Finance Art 2018)。具体而言,学员应参考2020年6月-2021年3月的“大纲和学习指南”,“考核文件”和“技术性文章-Finance Art 2019”的相关文件。






20. 随时机考中心的考试是否也被取消?

中国地区主要的随时机考中心(高顿财经Golden Finance,中博教育ZBG,英国文化教育协会British Council)已经停止了所有2月份的随时机考考试。



21. 学员如何申请随时机考考试费用退款?


22. 6月考试是否会如期进行吗?


23. 如果学员有进一步询问怎么办?


ACCA Connect电话:00441415822000

ACCA中国客服电话(目前暂停服务): 4008333338

ACCA 香港: 852 2524 4988

ACCA 澳门: 853 8294 6708

此外,学员还可以通过ACCA网站的Contact us提交查询。



原标题:[更新 2月13日]关于3月考季常见问题解答


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